Sunday, April 29, 2007


went on a double date last night with B and D. went to jr's for some seriously unhealthy food, then went to the play. it was a pretty good play but i just couldn't relax. couldn't just appreciate it for what it was. and i think it was because i felt that i should have been up there on that stage. i've done a few plays with this acting troupe, and have not done any since the gaffer came around. and believe me, i miss it. i miss the frustration, the fun, the knowing you nailed a certain part. seeing the audience laugh and enjoying themselves. the few minutes before you go on where you have to hold your pee. it was hard to relax but i criticized the whole thing in my head. i didn't mean to. i kept trying to appreciate the way they portrayed it, but i was quite analytical. and i miss being up there. i hope i can get up there again soon. i wonder if it's in the plans.

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