Tuesday, April 24, 2007


you know, i keep looking at other people's blogs, and they are so much more advanced than i am. they have pictures, they have drawings, they have links! why can't i do that? i mean, my blog looks so boring. it could be boring to read for all i know! maybe i need to get blogging for dummies or something and then i can figure it all out. be more creative and whatnot. but maybe it takes more time than i'm ready to give.
v stopped by this morning for a visit, and her little guy wasn't feeling too hot which was a shame for the gaffer because he was wound right up. their family is building a new home, and i'm a tad jealous. i love the newness of a new house. and the only reason i love it, is because i know what it's like. which makes me think of our old house. our first house. the house we built with our own two hands. and rockstar hubby and i chatted about it, and i think we might write the girl a letter and tell her that if she ever wants to sell, we'd like to buy it back. i don't know if we could afford it, but i sure did love that home. i love our home now, don't get me wrong. there are parks nearby, stores nearby, it's near the highway...but the 5 acres of forest. the heated floors. the heated garage! the full long basement just beckoning to be redone. the forest. the quiet. the cows across the road. hmmm...don't miss the bugs though. great neighbours. the sky at night. the frogs yelling at each other. letting the neurotic dog out to chase the deer. the deer we shot from the dining room window. sigh.
but i sure do love our house we're in now.
many many irises coming up. can't wait. gonna cut them and bring them into the house. i love flowers.


Anthropositor said...

We don't all have pictures or links or widgets, bells and whistles. My blog just has ideas and solutions and opinions.

futsaldreamer said...

You're blogs are funny and they have character :). I enjoy them thoroughly :D. You're quality my dear :)