Monday, April 7, 2008

to the mattress...

i went on a much needed date saturday night with rockstar hubby. the tree work has picked up fabulously so he ended up working his long shift with tree work in between. he spent saturday screwing down someone's barn roof so it wouldn't blow away in our insane winds. so we went out.
we decided to hit up bayshore and just walk around. i had the promise of a present as we toured stores. we always go to the bay first, and we found nothing. then to different stores, ie, bombay company, gap, jacob, tristan, and mexx for kids. then we went to bentley as they were having a huge sale on wallets and purses. i have a wallet. i have a great wallet. but it was given to me 4 years ago by my mom-in-law when she didnt' want it anymore. i liked it because it had a wallet side and a daytimer side. but i didn't really use the daytimer side anymore because my day basically consists of 'what can i do to amuse gaffer today?' so i found a fabulous wallet. and then i saw the purses. i like purses. but i'm pretty anal about them. it's like shoes. i looooove shoes. but i don't like a lot of the styles out there. it takes me at least a month before i decide on a pair that i need. so i have been looking for a purse. a purse that would be stylish enough to last, yet big enough. big enough for my bible, wallet (new), pens, handcream, water bottle and possibly food. but it had to be organized with pockets to hold tampons, phone, keys etc. and it had to zip up so the rain wouldnt' get into it. and it had to be comfortable to carry over my shoulder, or in my hand. and it can't be a backpack because i wanted something pretty.
and i found it.
it's fabulous. it's actually a business case, but it looks like a big purse. and it's awesome. and it was on sale. so awesome fabuloso hubby bought both. what a doll. i was tickled pink. and i had a hard time accepting it was just a present. 'oh i'll give up lattes until this is paid off!' i said. and he just hugged me. 'you owe me nothing,' he said. i know it's a ridiculous conversation to have, but we are trying to becareful of finances so i'm trying to limit myself to fabulous presents of 3$ mousse that will make my hair lovely.

but then we went back to the bay, via the 3rd floor. hubby wanted to show me what lcd, those big tv's that look real. hd? and then we passed the beds. being me, i had to lie down on them with all of their pillows. i noticed they were very uncomfortable and it was just for show. then we passed mattresses. so i looked at all of them and lamented the fact that our mattress was crap. it's 10 years old and it was at someone's cottage. and it's hard and uncomfortable but it's all we can afford. oh go buy another, they aren't expensive! i've been told. but it's my sleep! i need a good one. so i chose one and lay down. not bad! then i picked the most expensive mattress. for a queen, it was 4000$. it better be good. i lay down. i was enveloped into a cloud. i started to cry. rockstar hubby lay down too. i told him to twitch. he did. i didn't feel anything. then i had tears coming down my face. 'what's the matter babe?' he asked. i couldn't explain. all of a sudden i had these thoughts, these emotions. of...sadness, of want, of need. i imagined having sleeps at night where i didn't wake up every half hour to roll over because my arm fell asleep. or every five minutes from twitching. or punching hubby for still snoring because he has to sleep on his back because his arms fall asleep. of not feeling stiff. of being comfortable and not spending the night tossing and turning. of not having anymore headaches from being uncomfortable.
i looked at him sadly.
'i have to have this bed.'
and he understood. we looked at the price tag.
'do you think you could not have garden sheds this year?' he asked.
i nodded.
'we wouldn't be able to go away for two more years.' he said.
i nodded. i know. and as much as i want to go away....
'we won't do the porch this year either' i said.
he nodded.
'maybe if there's anything left over from backpay' he said.
'the bed lasts 15 years' the salesman said. 'warrantied for 10'.
i sighed sadly.

i've never had a good bed. i've never had a comfortable bed. we could never afford it. my parents could never afford it. i always had handmedown beds. i had to have a good bed.
'we'll have to get the king size.' i said.
rockstar hubby raised his eyebrows.
'for any other kids we have. do you think we'll be able to keep them out of the bed?'
'good point' he sighed.

'let's start saving'.


H.E.A.T. Worship House Blog said...

King size is the best... Go for it! And enjoy it when you have it.....

Melinda said...

Yay! What a great gift to yourselves! Enjoy it!