Monday, February 11, 2008

happy thoughts

i feel like i've been blog complaining lately, and that can't be a good thing. so instead of complaining about how the gaffer is very sick with a cold that sounds like croup (but we're told it isn't) and how rockstar hubby has a cold, and that i now have a cold that involves convulsive coughing racking my chest and head, i will write about pleasant things instead.

i had a great 3 hour nap this morning. the gaffer was up every two hours last night because he couldn't breathe, but i had a great nap. i get to go to bed at 6 tonight with nyquil, so i'm looking forward to that.
the house is quiet at the moment and i have a small bit of chocolate beside me as i half-lie in bed with my laptop on my lap, debating working on my book or watching antm. antm just might win as then i will not have to do anything involving thinking.'s a lot of fun to be able to stare at the fan over my bed and not be able to think of anything. it's rather entertaining actually. am i in a drugged induced state? no, ibprophen does nothing for me. sometimes i look at the fan and debate painting it because it is so gosh darn ugly, but today, it's just a fan. a fan with dust that i have no will to clean.
i had some chicken noodle soup and i am sweating nicely. i like sweating when i'm sick. it makes me feel like i'm getting better. the humidifier is going, but it's old so it whines exactly like children screaming at the playground. i have not turned on my fan because i need to listen for the gaffer.
i like how rockstar hubby's firefighter blanket hanging over the window causes the room to be dark. it's 2pm and it's pitch black in the room.
i can't wait to get better. then i can write and exercise and debate cleaning again.
i am in a content state...or maybe it's the hypnosis of the fan..

1 comment:

Melinda said...

Hope you're feeling better!