Friday, September 14, 2007

oh so proud of me

i haven't made money in over 4 years. working for rockstar hubby doesn't count because he pays me a measly 5$/hour and that mostly funds my latte addiction. however, he has a point in that it helps the family out by me helping instead of paying someone else 20$. and i agree with him. however.

i had the opportunity to design a landscape plan for a friend's parents. honestly? i thought they kinda felt sorry for me and tried me out to see what i could come up with.
about 8-10 hours later (approximately a month went by as i was so busy learning how to clean) i came up with the plan.
i never worked so hard on a plan in my life. i was very detailed, i was insanely perfect. i made mistakes, i fixed them, i changed it three times. and then it was finished.
i didn't sleep much last night because i was afraid. what if they didn't like it? what if it really was terrible? what if i've lost my gift of the garden goddess? etc.

and then i met with them today.

this couple is so serious when you meet them. they don't talk much. so i sat down at their table and i showed them all 5 pages of notes and drawings. they just nodded.

and then i asked if they like it.

they loved it. they were thrilled. she said, 'you put a lot of work into this, and it's amazing and i love it'.
so i was very very happy and relieved.
and then they asked how much.
i was very nervous on this part, because i didnt' know what to charge. so i asked if a 5$ off per hour of normal fee was ok. it wasn't.
they paid me full price.

i made money.

i am a professional now.

i am so proud of myself.


sue said...

Congrats to you!!

barb said...

way to go!!!

does this mean you'll be charging now when you come over and I ask you random questions about my gardens?

I guess I'll have to find subtle ways to slide it into the conversation ... "so, how is the gaffer today? He's certainly enjoying playing over there and I wonder what bush would look nice where he's standing right now?"

sue said...

Did Barb ask you about the Rose of Sharon bush??

Melinda said...

Way to go!!!!!! Congratulations!!!!

futsaldreamer said...

Woot ! Woot !! Yeehaaaaa !! Congrats !

Bee said...

I am happy for you, but I want you to remember that you are not about the money that you make- you are still important and necessary and worth so much even when you don't make a penny- don't forget that.