Wednesday, August 29, 2007

i'm so far behind on this

oh the guilt of an non-updated blog! oh the torment of not letting everyone know what's going on in my life! for all the people that actually read this....i think there are 5 of you, my deepest apologies!

update time:

had the garage sale. it did really well, but i expected to get rid of more junk. however, i now have a new bike! i am 8 years old again riding that thing. it's name is the 'dirt pig'. it's a hideous 70's brown, it's a 'free spirit' from sears many eons ago. it has a big seat, it rattles when i bike down the road, absolutly no shocks so i got a big fat seat for my bum, and it has one speed. i adore it. all i want to do is tour comfort. in the dirt pig.

finished my book. oh yes. happy days. now comes the fun part of editing. oh the editing. i need a break.

writing contest this weekend. gotta write a novel in three days. can i do it? probably. do i know what to write about? not really. should be interesting.

am having company for breakfast. house is messy. aaaaaa! i should probably clean!
more later.


sue said...

Breakfast was great. Thanks. Love the pink flowers on the dirt pig.

futsaldreamer said...

I've been wasting away ... missing your blogs terribly :|.

futsaldreamer said...

But, so glad you're back :D