Thursday, June 21, 2007

dream of josh

excellent writing day yesterday. got three chapters done. have begun idea for book for three day writing competition. it just might work.
saw doctor for bloodwork to figure out why i'm so tired. said it could be a sleep problem. which would make a lot of sense. i never slip into a deep sleep at night. i end up dreaming all night, talking all night, grinding my teeth all night. really annoying.
however, had interesting dream about Josh. yes, the Josh, of S's son. dreamt i was visiting somewhere (heaven?) and there were people everywhere, and he turned around and i knew it was him right away. even though i've never met him. he was beautiful. he smiled at me and came over and said 'i'd recognize you anywhere!' and i said the same to him. he said, 'B and Bee and my mom talk about you all the time!' and i said, 'they talk about you too. they miss you, you know.' and he threw back his head (just like B does) and laughed. then the scene changed and he was sitting on a stile (sp?) and was perched on it, with his head in his hand and he was looking down through clouds. just watching. and he kept laughing. it was very 'happy'. i guess he's thinking of you guys.

am now fighting cold due to lack of sleep and emotional exhaustion of writing book.


barb said...

i have no words. tears, and a hug, but no words. thank you.

Bee said...

wow- you made me cry- good tears. God gave you a wonderful dream- thanks for sharing it with us :)

sue said...

I'm crying. But smiling too. I'm glad you got to meet him....